New FAIR Coffee Lectures 2025

07 January, 2025
The FAIR Coffee lectures are being planned for 2025 and will be published soon! You can already mark the dates in your agenda’s: On February 27th Dr. Sandra Geurts, MUMC+, will be joining us on the topic of “Secondary use of breast cancer data in the Netherlands”. Registration for this event has already opened! A date in June will be reserved for Dr. Anna Harris from FASoS. More information to follow! You can check out the details on the Events page. Registration for these lectures opens about 5 weeks before the event.  

Highlights from the National Open Science Festival 2024

22 October, 2024
On 22 October, Maastricht University (UM) proudly hosted the 4th edition of the National Open Science Festival. Guided by the motto ‘Meet, share, inspire, care’ over 350 visitors from the education and research sectors across the Netherlands gathered for a day of engaging discussions, workshops, and networking opportunities, all focused on advancing Open Science. The event’s aftermovie offers a glimpse into the vibrant atmosphere and the diverse perspectives shared throughout the day!


FAIR Coffee Lectures

21 February, 2024
We’re starting a little later this academic year, but the FAIR Coffee lectures are back! You can already mark two dates in your agenda’s: On April 17 Dr. Gowri Gopalakrishna, epidemiologist and public health policy scientist at UM, will be joining us. May 29 is reserved for Dr. Peter Prinsen, clinical data scientist at the Netherlands Comprehensive Cancer Organisation (IKNL). Check out the details on the Events page. Registration for these lectures opens about 5 weeks before the event.  

National Open Science Festival coming to Maastricht!

9 February, 2024
We are excited to announce that Maastricht University (UM) will be the venue for the National Open Science Festival on Tuesday 22 October 2024 at the School of Business and Economics (SBE). Since the founding of Open Science NL, it has taken over the organisation of the festival and made an annual budget available for it. However, the National Open Science Festival is truly a festival for and by the community. The organising committee of the 2024 edition comprises staff from UM, Data Archiving and Networked Services (DANS), National Coordination Point Research Data Management (LCRDM) and Open Science NL. Additionally, a programme committee reflecting the broad Open Science community is currently being formed, in which OSCM will also be represented. Read more about this event on the website of Open Science NL. Hopefully see you there!  

Open Science NL Impulse Grant awarded

19 January, 2024
The OSCM is happy to announce that we received an “Impulse Open Science Community” grant from NWO/Open Science NL! The grant provides funding for three years to boost OSCM activitities in collaboration with the University Library and further embed and consolidate OSCM’s activities within UM. The OSCM will meet in February to kick-off our plans so expect to hear more about new Open Science activities later this year!
Click here for more information about this grant.  

Open Science Festival Maastricht

2 March, 2023 
The OSCM is organizing an Open Science Festival on May 25! Expect keynote speakers, interactive sessions, and a range of Open Science topics. Keep an eye on the event page for any updates.  

Data practices and data management

24 October, 2022
From the moment you plan your experiment all the way to the endpoint of analysing your results and writing them down, you should always have data management in mind. Find out how to use the FAIR principles of Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability and Reusability in data management, data storage, and sharing of data by having a look at this mini blog series on data practices and data management, presented by our FHML Open Science ambassador Dennie Hebels.  

New FAIR Coffee lecture series coming up!

19 August, 2022
In September, the OSCM, in collaboration with the University Library and the Institute of Data Science, is starting a new FAIR Coffee lecture series for the 2022-2023 academic year! We are currently finalizing the program and we have most speakers confirmed already. Keep an eye on our Events page to see which lectures to expect and how to register. The lectures will be in a hybrid format so you can also join in via Zoom. Enjoy the rest of summer and see you soon!  

Past OSCM events and upcoming events

20 January, 2022
At the start of the academic year, a new series of FAIR Coffee lectures started. So far we’ve had lectures from Mareike Smolka (History department, UM), Dr. Ronald Cornet (Amsterdam UMC-UvA) and Prof. Michel Dumontier (Institute of Data Science, UM). We also organized a second edition of the FAIR Essentials workshop, had several ReproducibiliTea journal clubs and organized a brand new workshop on pre-registration. And there’s much more to come! Keep an eye on our new events page where you can find more information and register for all upcoming events.

Third edition of the FAIR Coffee all about games!

12 May, 2021
The third edition of the FAIR Coffee lecture series, organized by the OSCM and the CDDI, was again well attended. We discussed invited Matthew Stephenson and Walter Crist to talk about their their Digital Ludeme Project in which they are building a database of historical games. Of course we also had another three lucky winners who received a Bandito Espresso voucher in our Caffeine Quiz! Thanks to everyone for participating! See you next time!

Open Research Europe (ORE) platform launched!

25 March, 2021
The European Commission (EC) has just launched the Open Research Europe (ORE) which is a fully Open Access publishing platform for scientific articles based on research funded by Horizon 2020, and soon Horizon Europe. In line with the exciting developments in Open Science (all supported by UM), it follows many Open Science principles such as:
  • Immediately publishing articles
  • Transparent, invited and open peer review
  • Names of the reviewers are open, as well as their reviews, which are also citable
  • Null and negative findings and reanalysis of previous studies leading to new results, as well as confirmatory results, are encouraged
The EC covers all publication costs so there is no author fee! If your research is part of a Horizon 2020/Europe project (even after the grant has ended), please consider publishing in the ORE platform. We need pioneers to make this platform (and similar other ones) a success!

OSCM receives UM Research Ethics and Integrity Grant

26 February, 2021
In last year’s call for proposals for the UM Research Ethics and Integrity Grant, OSCM submitted a proposal to finance our FAIR Coffee event lectures and get help with organizing them. We are happy to announce that we received the grant and can continue our FAIR Coffee lectures! In these lectures you have a chance to hear inspiring stories from other UM researchers on how they implemented FAIR in their research. Keep an eye on our Events page to see when the next lecture takes place.

First FAIR Coffee lecture big success!

26 January, 2021
The first edition of the FAIR Coffee lecture series, organized by the OSCM and the CDDI, was a big success. We had over 60 participants, discussed Open Science, promoted the FAIR Essentials workshop (more info here), and three lucky winners received a Bandito Espresso voucher. Thanks to everyone for participating! See you next time!

REI Call for Research Ethics & Integrity Grants open

5 November, 2020
The UM Platform for Research Ethics and Integrity has launched the annual call for the UM Ethics & Integrity Grants. This grant of € 10,000 can be used for any project or activity aimed at facilitating Good Conduct or Research of our UM community. More information can be found here.

Open Science Conference 2021

22 October, 2020
The Open Science Conference 2021 is the 8th international conference of the Leibniz Research Alliance Open Science and will take place online on 17-19 February 2021.

The annual conference is dedicated to the Open Science movement and provides a unique forum for researchers, librarians, practitioners, infrastructure providers, policy makers, and other important stakeholders to discuss the latest and future developments in Open Science. Find out more about the program and ow to register here.

Upcoming FAIR events

12 October, 2020
The OSCM is currently working on two FAIR events that will help you get better acquainted with the FAIR principles and how you can apply them in your research:
  • “FAIR Essentials”: A 1-day workshop in which we will train researchers in their Research Data Management (RDM) obligations as well as necessary tools, techniques and skills for FAIR and reproducible research practices.
  • “FAIR Coffee”: Regularly occurring 45 minute inspiring lectures in which researchers from UM and other universities are invited to show you how they implemented FAIR in their research.
We expect to start in early 2021 with the first editions of these events so stay tuned!